Covid-Safe Settings
28th February 2022
Staying COVIDSafe
- Face masks are no longer required in most indoor settings but they are still recommended. Carry a mask when leaving home
- It is strongly recommended that you wear a face mask indoors, if you can’t physically distance, have any symptoms, or if you are with people who may be vulnerable to COVID-19
- You can reduce risks by maintaining 1.5 metre distance from others where possible, using hand sanitiser and practising good hygiene
Find more information on the Victorian Government website here:
Covid Checklist
Please find further information on what to do if you test positive or come into contact with a positive case here:
Vaccination is strongly recommended – View our vaccination statement HERE.
Check-in everywhere you visit using the Service Victoria App, no matter how long you spend at that location.
We thank you all for helping to keep everyone safe.
Playgroup Victoria supports the Federal and State Government’s work in rolling out the Covid-19 vaccinations. We encourage anyone who is eligible and can, to get vaccinated. Information regarding Covid-19 vaccinations can be found here:
Federal Government – COVID-19 vaccines | Australian Government Department of Health
State Government – COVID-19 vaccines | Coronavirus Victoria
Getting Back to Playgroup Guide
Playgroups work best when the most up-to-date communications is shared between attending families. There are many questions about how to prepare and what might need to be done differently at playgroup during the COVID-19 pandemic. This guide is to help you navigate through this.
The information in this booklet does not replace any official advice. It is intended to prompt you to think or ask about changes you might need to prepare for and implement so your playgroup is able to start again. By following the step by step process in this booklet, and using the resources developed, your playgroup will have the best chance to come back together safely, healthy and happily.
Click on the image to download the guide.
Electronic Recording Keeping for Victorian Playgroups
As part of the new COVID normal, we recommend playgroups register for a Victoria Government QR code. This enables more people to meet in a community venue. You may have seen these codes used in local cafes/businesses. Apply directly via the government website, print off the code and then playgroupers can scan in upon arrival.
Useful Information
Past Updates from Playgroup Victoria regarding COVID-19
For most recent Playgroup Victoria update please see the top of this page