Be Part of the 2024

Playgroup Census

We love playgroups, and we know that children and families benefit when they have access to playgroup. Playgroup Census week will provide us with an opportunity to demonstrate to government how valuable playgroup is for Australian families and local communities. From the 2nd-8th of September, we will be collecting attendance data for all playgroups being delivered during this period.

Playgroup Census Week EXTENDED

We understand the extreme weather last week may have impacted playgroup attendance. As such, the census form will stay open until Sunday 15th September. If your families did not get a chance to fill it out last week, they can do it this week. Please ensure families do not fill out the form twice.

Being able to capture a picture of playgroup attendance across the state will help us to advocate to government about the value of playgroup.
Thanks so much for being part of the playgroup community!

Families, you can record your playgroup attendance via the button below.

Playgroup is for everyone

What is Playgroup Census Week?

Playgroup Census Week aims to capture the number of families taking part in playgroup sessions.

We are seeking the support of playgroup leaders and volunteers to have all playgroup attendees answer the following questions at playgroup during Census Week:

  • Which playgroup are you attending (Location, Time, Day)
  • How many children are attending with you today?
  • Is this the first playgroup you have attended this week?
  • What type of playgroup do you attend?

Please note: The Census will not collect any personal or demographic information, and is focused exclusively on how many people are attending playgroups, how many playgroups they are attending, and where they are attending them.

Playgroup is for everyone

Assist With the Rollout of the Playgroup Census

Playgroup Leaders and Professionals

Resources at the Ready!

We are now one week out from the Playgroup Census. Playgroup Leaders – it is time to get ready and get prepped! We ask that you communicate with your playgroup families in the lead-up, providing information about the upcoming Census Week. During Census Week, all attendees will be asked to register their attendance at playgroup throughout the week. Click the button below to access a suite of resources made for you, to roll out the Census and get your group members involved!

Please note, the Census form will be valid from Monday September 2- Sunday September 8. All families will be required to include the address of your playgroup. Please ensure your members know this.

Playgroup Families, Register Your Attendance During Playgroup Census Week!

If you attend playgroup during census week, on the day of your playgroup session, it would be great if you could fill in the Census form to record your attendance for that day. This is our primary aim, to capture true insights about playgroup participation 

Playgroup is for everyone

What Will the Census Be Like?

The Census itself will be a short form, that can be accessed via a QR Code or direct web link. The form will not collect any personal or demographic data. The questions will be as follows:

  • Which playgroup are you attending (Location, Time, Day)
  • How many children are attending with you?
  • Is it the first playgroup you have attended during the week?

Playgroup Victoria will provide playgroups with a digital pack, containing supporting resources such as posters and flyers. The resources provided will contain a QR code, taking families directly to the Playgroup Census form link. The resources can be used digitally or printed. A direct web link to the form will also be included. Supporting resources will be sent to playgroups the week commencing 26th August.

Playgroup is for everyone

The Importance of the Playgroup Census

Children from the Raywood Playgroup

In showcasing the number of families attending playgroup each week, we are highlighting how many families benefit from regular playgroup sessions. The Playgroup Census allows us to demonstrate the wide impact playgroup has. From there, it opens opportunities to extrapolate on all the positive elements of playgroup as families gain support, connection, insight, learning, fun and meaningful relationships that support the wellbeing of the family unit and wider community.

The Playgroup Census helps to set playgroup up for the future, establishing it as a mainstay in the early years education journey, running alongside kinder and preparing children for school. Moreover, it illustrates the shared experience and the benefit it extends to parents and carers bringing up the next generation of children.


Looking for More Information About Playgroup Census Week?